Mobile Phone Policy

Mobile Phone and Electronic Games Policy



Introductory Statement:

This policy was drawn up in response to technological advances, which have seen a significant increase in hand held electronic devices and mobile phones amongst the school population over recent years.




  • IPods, mobile phones, etc. are intrusive and distracting in a school environment
  • Strategies must be put in place to reduce the intrusiveness of unauthorised technology in a school situation
  • Some electronic devices may be harmful due to frequent use
  • Mobile phones may be used to conduct bullying campaigns


Relationship to School Ethos:

The use of mobile phones and other electronic games contravenes the provision of a safe and secure school environment and is not conducive to learning – a provision which is central to the mission statement and ethos of Scoil Mhuire.



  • To lessen intrusions on and distractions to children’s learning
  • To eliminate the risk of cyber bullying activity on the school premises.


Internal School Procedures:

The following are the guidelines for mobile phone/electronic games usage in the school;


  • Children are not allowed to use of mobile phones/electronic games during school hours
  • Pupils are not allowed to bring mobile phones or electronic games into school.  In exceptional circumstances, children may bring a mobile phone/device to school. The phone/device will be locked in the school office during the school day and children may collect their phone/device at 3.00pm.
  • Children who need to contact home during school hours may do so through the school secretary using the school landline phone
  • All electronic devices/phones are banned, even during after school activities
  • Any pupil who brings a mobile phone or electronic game to school risks having it confiscated and not returned for a period of five school days.
  • Staff have access to the school landline if urgent calls need to be made to parents
  • Classroom supervision is usually organised if a class teacher has to contact other professionals or outside agencies in relation to a particular child
  • Staff personal calls are normally confined to break times
  • Staff are permitted mobile phone usage only in cases of emergency



Roles and Responsibilities:

All staffs share in the co-ordination and implementation of this policy.



This policy is monitored on an ongoing basis and amendments added as new technology comes on stream.